Friday, September 25, 2009

Argh, Spontaneous Gray Matter Explosions!

So, in case you haven't heard, Charles Johnson, the guy who runs the Little Green Footballs blog on the right, is getting attacked by a fair number of the "rightist" (I hesitate to use the term; "revolutionary crazy" would be closer) blogs on the internet. Why? Because he's been noting that a distressing number of ostensibly conservative types are going off their rockers, resorting to tactics and sloganeering traditionally associated with "leftist" protest screams.

People, calm down. We're all on the same side here. None of us particularly like Obama, but that's not an excuse to doll him up as Batman's Joker and threaten to shoot him. None of us like the proposed health care bills, but that's not a reason to take intimitation tactics from out of Alinsky's (the bastard!) playbook. We're supposed to be calm, conservative, cool considerate men, ferchrissake! So tone it down! don't want to be associated with the craziness of two and three years ago, do you?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okay, I Lied.

Here's another article, from Victor Davis Hanson, a confirmed voice of sanity on the right.

What I like about this is the part in the middle, where he notes that life is a bunch of trade-offs, and directly attacks the utopianism inherent in California's current water-use laws.

(Oh, and the reason wealth can be "created" apparently without tradeoffs is because value is relative--two guys make trade-offs regarding what they have, but they value what they get over what they give.)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another Article Post...

This'll be the last one for a while, I promise!

You ever wish the world will stop thinking shyness is the first step to mass murder? Want to break the tyranny of those child and adolescent psycho-psychos who think introversion is something to be "cured"?

Monday, September 21, 2009

In Honor of Peace Day...

In the interests of world peace, the Davin Valkri Darksider Medical Center is now offering free mass lobotomies, to be given to all patients and all potential patients.

Sunday, September 20, 2009